History of Turkish Immunology Society
Türk İmmünoloji Derneği 1974 yılında Prof. Dr. Asuman Müftüoğlu’nun...
MoreDear Members and Colleagues,
I am honored and privileged to address you as the President of the Turkish Society of Immunology. As we embark on a new chapter in our society's journey, I would like to extend my warmest greetings to all members and express my gratitude for your continued support and dedication to the field of immunology.
Immunology is a rapidly evolving and vital field that plays a crucial role in understanding and combating diseases. Our society serves as a platform for scientists, researchers, clinicians, and students to come together, exchange knowledge, and advance the frontiers of immunological research in Turkey.
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Yıldız Camcıoğlu, Derya Forget, Barbaros Oral, Şefik Alkan, İhsan Gürsel, Mustafa Diken, Ayça Sayı Yazgan, Adil Doğanay Duru, Toga Sütlü, Dicle Power, Güher Saruhan Direskeneli, Emin Kansu, Arzu Aral, Ali Şengül and Günnur Deniz. You can watch the live broadcast recording of the Immunology Day Special Program here:
At the second meeting of the Immunology Illuminates webinar series, Prof. Selim Badur, Prof. Mayda Gürsel and Prof. İhsan Gürsel was our guest.
You can watch the live stream recording here:
At this first meeting of the Immunology Illuminates webinar series, Prof. Sefik S. Alkan and Prof. Cezmi Akdiş was our guest.
You can watch the live stream recording here:
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At the fourth meeting of the Immunology Illuminates webinar series, Prof. Batu Erman and Prof. Halis Akalın was our guest.
You can watch the live stream recording here:
At the third meeting of the Immunology Illuminates webinar series, Prof. Emin Kansu and Assoc. İshak Özel Tekin was our guest.
You can watch the live stream recording here:
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The 3rd International Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress (MIMIC-III) has been successfully held in Antalya during 27-30 April 2016. Recent trends and emerging topics on molecular and applied immunology as well as immunogenetics has been discussed in various sessions during the meeting.
MIMIC congresses put special effort to connect acclaimed international scientists and immunologists with new faculty and young researchers in a friendly and relaxed environment, aiming to foster exchange of ideas along with facilitating collaborations. As a reflection of this, MIMIC-III was able to attract a total of 179 scientists from 12 different countries (Algeria, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Japan, Poland, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, UK and USA). The 4-day program included 14 invited talks, 20 selected oral abstracts and 100 poster presentations.
On April 27th, the congress kicked off with opening speeches by TSI president Günnur Deniz and Congress President Barbaros Oral, followed by an inspiring talk on “Interpersonal Communication” by Cemal Cıngı of Eskişehir Osmangazi University.
The opening ceremony was finalized by the plenary lecture on “Inducing and Breaking of Allergen Specific Tolerance” by Mübeccel Akdiş of the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research.
The second day of the congress included sessions on novel discoveries in the innate immune system, impact of inflammation on diseases, emerging issues in adaptive immune system, and the regulatory cells of immune system with invited talks by Attila Mocsai, Gerhard Wingender, Duygu Sağ, Sven Brandau, Luigi Abelli, Batu Erman, Günnur Deniz and Ayça Sayı Yazgan.
The General Assembly of the Turkish Society of Immunology was held during this day of the congress and elections for the new board of the society that is to serve for the next three years was carried out.
The newly elected board of TSI is as follows:
President: Günnur Deniz
Vice President: Güher Saruhan Direskeneli
President-elect: Barbaros Oral
General Secretary: Ayça Sayı Yazgan
Treasurer: Arzu Aral
Members: İhsan Gürsel, Tolga Sütlü
The third day of the congress included sessions on tumor immunology and molecular markers, tumor immunotherapy, emerging molecular and cellular therapies in immunodeficiencies and new trends in immunity to infections with invited talks by Luca Casetta, Serkan Göktuna, Suhendan Ekmekçioğlu, Tolga Sütlü, İhsan Gürsel, Talal Chatila, İsmail Reisli, Ken Ishii and Cevayir Çoban along with a World Immunology Day Special Lecture on “Regulation of Chronicity in Diseases” by Cezmi Akdiş of the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research.
The final day of the congress included sessions on transplantation immunology and targets in autoimmune/autoinflammatory diseases with invited talks by Robert Lechler, Giovanna Lombardi, Piotr Trzonkowski, Haner Direskeneli and Ahmet Gül.
Awards for young scientists were handed out during the World Immunology Day Party. Banu Bayyurt of Bilkent Univeristy; Ceren Çıracı of Istanbul Technical University and Esen Doğan of Sabancı University received the Şefik Alkan Poster Awards. Ismail Ogulur of Marmara University was awarded the Işıl Barlan Prize for Research in Immunodeficiencies.
MIMIC-III has again proven to be an excellent opportunity to explore new horizons in research and develop new ideas to pressing and unresolved issues in immunology. TSI proudly emphasizes that the organizing committee has made special efforts to support early stage scientists/researchers via grants and awards covering registration, accommodation and part of travel expenses and is committed to do so in the forthcoming MIMIC congresses. We gratefully acknowledge the 10.000 Euro support by the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) and the European Journal of Immunology (EJI) that play a major role in our efforts to promote the attendance of young immunologists to this meeting.
We thank all the scientists attending the congress for making this event a vibrant environment where cutting-edge research on immunology was discussed. We would also like to once again thank our sponsors for their contributions to support this meeting.
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The 2nd International Molecular Immunology and Immunogenetics Congress (MIMIC II) was held in Antalya between 27-30 April 2014. Our congress was held with 151 participants, 19 oral presentations and 93 poster presentations. Professor, who received the Nobel Prize in Physiology / Medicine in 1996, attended our congress. Rolf Martin Zinkernagel participated with his presentation titled 'Immunology Taught by Viruses'. Scholarships have been given to researchers for the best poster presentations by our association and various organizations.
• To Suzan Çınar for her work titled 'Evolution of Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome Flow Cytometry',
• To Bilgi Gungor for his work titled 'Immunotherapeutic CpG Oligodeoxynucleotide/cationic peptide nanorings as plasmacytoid dendritic cell stimulators',
• To Fuat Cem Yağcı for his work titled 'Inhibitory effects of immunosuppressive ODN A151 in CCl4 induced liver fibrosis',
• Given to Nesteren Mansur for her work titled 'The effect of H. pylori on BAFF expression from gastric epithelial cells'. Both national and international valuable scientists have shared with us the latest developments in the field of immunology.
We held our 22nd National Congress in Çeşme between 27 – 30 April 2013. As a first in the congress, 3 courses were held, namely "Flowing cell meter course", "Use of autoantibodies in the diagnosis of autoimmune disease" and "Cell separation techniques". Our congress was held with 214 participants, 15 papers were presented verbally and 122 papers were presented as posters. Scholarships have been given to researchers by our association and various organizations for the best oral and poster presentations. Both national and international valuable scientists have shared with us the latest developments in the field of immunology.